Shamanic Breathwork

Sundays: March 16, March 23, April 6 & April 13
1 Session $30 (4-Week Program $99)

At its core, breathwork is the practice of conscious, controlled breathing to influence a person’s emotional, mental, and physical state. Across various cultures and traditions, it has been used as a means of spiritual awakening, deep relaxation, and self-healing for thousands of years.

Your breath has a profound impact on your overall well-being, including your immune system and energy levels. Intentional breathwork allows the body to absorb more oxygen, fueling the cells that keep us healthy, vibrant, and energized. Beyond the physical benefits, breathwork can be a deeply spiritual practice, helping individuals transcend the mind and body, access higher states of consciousness, and experience profound relaxation and meditation.

We are thrilled to introduce a transformative 4-Week Breathwork Series. This series will cater to both beginners and advanced practitioners, offering an immersive introduction to Somatic and Shamanic Breathwork.

The Power of Shamanic Breathwork
Shamanic breathwork facilitates deep oxygenation of the body, aiding in detoxification and cellular revitalization. Through rhythmic breathing, individuals flood their systems with fresh oxygen, clearing out toxins and promoting overall well-being.

One of the most profound aspects of shamanic breathwork is its ability to surface buried emotions and past traumas stored in the subconscious. With the combination of breath and immersive music, individuals can access deep layers of their psyche, unlocking suppressed emotions and allowing for powerful healing and transformation.

By engaging in this practice, you can:
✨ Release stagnant energy and emotional blockages
✨ Experience deep emotional catharsis and healing
✨ Cultivate resilience, emotional balance, and inner peace

This breathwork series is designed to guide you on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and renewal. Whether you are seeking relaxation, transformation, or a deeper connection with yourself, this practice will empower you to harness the full potential of your breath.

Join Deanna on this journey—you can choose to attend one or more workshops, or for the most profound experience, sign up for all four sessions.

What to Bring:

-Yoga Mat


-eye cover (it can be a small face towel or anything to cover your eyes)


Deanna, Founder - Joya

Deanna discovered Yoga during one of the most challenging periods of her life. At the time, she and her husband were deeply involved in the real estate market—her husband working as a Real Estate Broker, while she worked for a mortgage bank. They owned multiple homes and several Real Estate offices across California. However, when the market crashed in 2008, they lost everything. It was the lowest point in her life. She was feeling deeply depressed after being laid off, just a few months after having a baby. She was also at her heaviest weight.

Years earlier, a close friend who had practiced Yoga for many years had encouraged her to try it. Two weeks after attending her first Hot Yoga class, she was completely hooked. Yoga became a lifeline, helping her through her darkest days. Within her first month of consistent practice, she realized she wanted to one day become a teacher and own her own studio. She felt compelled to share this transformative practice that had brought her so much love, peace, and confidence.

Today, she is fulfilling her dream as a successful Yoga & Wellness studio owner, with multiple thriving locations and plans for continued growth. She has transformed her life, achieving what once seemed like "impossible" dreams, and is deeply passionate about guiding others on their own spiritual fitness journeys. Through her teachings, she inspires others to harness the power of visualization to create the life they truly desire.

Deanna also leads transformative Yoga and Spiritual Awakening retreats around the world. Her spiritual journey has taken her to study with indigenous tribes in Brazil, Peru, Mexico, and the United States, immersing herself in their profound teachings. Her greatest joy lies in bringing healing and raising awareness of the powerful connection between the mind, body, and spirit.

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