Cacao Ceremony

Fri., Sept. 6, and/or Nov. 1
$30 Early Bird | $35 Day Of

Join us for a special meditation and Cacao ceremony providing a profound opportunity to align with the natural rhythms of the earth and the frequency of our souls.

This sacred ritual will incorporate the transformative power of sacred cacao, known for its heart-opening properties, alongside practices of sound, meditation, and stillness to facilitate a deep emotional and spiritual journey.

Partake in a cacao ceremony—a time-honored tradition stemming from indigenous cultures of Central and South America. Through this ceremonial use of raw cacao, individuals are invited to release emotional burdens, embrace forgiveness, and cultivate a profound sense of gratitude, tapping into the innate wisdom and healing potential that lies within.

All sales are final. No refunds.


Tahmina and Lisa, May 2024

Tahmina is a creative and adventurous yoga teacher who embarked on her teaching journey in July 2022. From the very start, she has been enamored with the transformative power of yoga and meditation in her own life, which drives her to share these practices with others. What began as a personal journey of healing has evolved into a purposeful calling to guide and inspire students on their own path towards wellness.

Tahmina's approach to teaching is unique and dynamic as she seamlessly blends different modalities such as Yin and Sound with traditional yoga, while also infusing cacao and tea ceremonies for a truly immersive experience. When she's not on the mat, Tahmina can often be found exploring nature through hiking or traveling to new destinations, all while sipping on her favorite tea blend.

Tahmina and Special Guest - Malika, July 2024

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